Saturday, July 13, 2013

Paper Artwork... and Humidity

With all of the wet weather we have been having lately I have been hearing from people regarding waves in their framed artwork. This can be distracting for the viewer as the ripples will cause shadows across the image.

Posters and prints are permanently adhered to their support board with glue so they are perfectly smooth and flat, although excessive moisture can cause even these to bow. Original artwork is mounted in a way that is reversible in order to preserve the value of the piece. This means that as the paper absorbs water it can shift and ripple inside of the frame.  It is like a barometer….indicating relative humidity.

Sometimes this is an indication that the hinges are a little tight. Loosening them can alleviate some of the rippling. As most of the reports come during the summer months it is more likely caused by the ambient humidity. Try changing the lighting so it is less obvious.

The rippling should disappear as soon as the humidity drops and the paper dries out. This can be hastened by using the heating system in your house. If you have any questions regarding your framed art, don't hesitate to bring it in.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Corporate Art -- Littleton Regional Hospital

McGowan Fine Art of Concord, NH completed a project for the new Oncology & Infusion department at Littleton Regional Hospital, located in Littleton, NH. Littleton Regional Hospital has been serving the healthcare needs of Northern NH for more than 100 years.

Amanda McGowan Lacasse, Corporate Art Consultant for McGowan Fine Art, selected and installed a mix of soothing and uplifting prints, helping to foster a healing environment, for the many patients who spend hours receiving treatment. She installed art in the waiting room, patient rooms, nurses’ station, and treatment area. 

McGowan Fine Art has over 30 years of corporate consulting experience, and has worked with corporations and businesses of all sizes throughout New England. Corporate art selections have ranged from original art, to high quality reproductions, or historical photographs. 

For more information, please call Amanda Lacasse at 603-225-2515, or, or visit